
“The Box” is a groundbreaking psycho-show where nightmares and emotions are unleashed. It’s a journey into the past, delving into childhood through emotions and extracting pure feelings. The show features four giant screens and 200 audiovisual impacts per minute, designed to reveal the innermost self, including phobias, fears, obsessions, and more. It’s a psycho-reality experience where guests are left alone with their intimate memories. Afterward, they face questions from a psychologist and a group of analysts. “The Box” has been a successful TV show with an average share of 17% and 2.8 million viewers, making psychology engaging and accessible to a broad audience. Join the most exciting journey of your life in “The Box.”

Technical data

  • Duration 75'
  • Language Español
  • Aspect ratio 16:9
  • Format SD
  • Year 2009

Over 25% audience share in prime time



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