
On Guard is a true crime documentary series that tells the story of some of the most high-profile investigations of the last few decades in Spain. Narrated in the first person by the female investigators of the UCO (Central Operating Unit) who experienced these cases firsthand and played a fundamental role in catching the murderers, each episode will delve into a new case. It will cover everything from arriving at the crime scene to the initial clues and the twists in the investigation that led to the culprits being put behind bars. These women, who have been silent protagonists in Spain’s most important investigations in recent years, are no longer invisible and are now being recognized for what they truly are: extraordinary women.

Technical data

  • Seasons 1
  • Episodes 6
  • Duration 45'
  • Language Spanish
  • Aspect ratio 16:9
  • Format HD
  • Year 2024


Episode 1

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