Catalogue Series Wrong Side of the Tracks


Set in a troubled neighborhood, this drama series follows Tirso Abantos, a former military man running a hardware store. His monotonous daily routine is shaken when, after a family incident, he finds himself in charge of his granddaughter Irene. When his unruly and rebellious adopted granddaughter of Vietnamese origin, arranges to run away with her immigrant boyfriend, Nelson, and falls victim to the drug dealers overtaking his neighborhood, the fed-up war veteran takes matters into his own hands and teams up with corrupt police officer Ezequiel to face up to the criminals in the neighborhood.

Technical data

  • Seasons 4
  • Episodes 32
  • Duration 70'
  • Language Spanish
  • Aspect ratio 16:9
  • Format 4K
  • Year 2022 - 2024

Victorious premiere on Telecinco's PT with 19.7% audience share

Included TOP 10 most watched non-English series 2022 at Netflix Global Ranking




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