Founded in 2015 by Afredo Ereño and Angelo Rocca, Bulldog TV is a TV production company which was created with the aim to produce programmes of all genres for a commercial audience.

Its activity focuses both on the adaptation of major international formats, such as “Celebrity Survivor” (“Supervivientes”, live PT reality show), “Uomini e Donne” (“Mujeres y Hombres y Viceversa”, daily DT dating show), “MTV Super Shore” (internationally produced reality show), “Guess my Age” (“El Concurso del Año”, daily DT programme), and the creation and development of original formats, such as “Volverte a ver” (weekly PT emotainment show) “That’s My Family” or “Keep The Safe”.

In its first 3 years of life, they successfully produced more than 1,500 hours of TV and became a benchmark in the production market in Spain.

Creators of "Keep The Safe", the most competitive premiere since Survivors 2020.
Producers of "Survivors" Spain, unbeatable format with 19 editions. Audience leader in all its broadcasts..

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