“Dissapeared” is a police drama that follows Sonia Ledesma, an inspector who joins the Missing Persons Unit 2 of the Central Brigade, led by the veteran Chief Inspector Santiago Abad. Touched by the disappearance of a loved one in her own life, she finds a new family in her colleagues Rodrigo, Sebas, and Azhar. Together, under the motto “we keep searching,” they solve various cases of people who one day disappeared without a trace. To achieve this, they collaborate with “Ayuda Desaparecidos,” an NGO led by Carmen Fuentes. The relationship between Carmen and Unit 2 goes beyond the professional, as Santiago once investigated the disappearance of her son years ago.
Technical data
- Seasons 3
- Episodes 29
- Duration 70'
- Language English
- Aspect ratio 16:9
- Format 4K
- Year 2020 - 2022
Selected for MIPDrama Buyers Summit 2020
4K definition and 5.1 sound available