A story of confronted interests, with an ambitious and passionate plot around the Prime Minister and First Lady. Among the public, they have an impeccable reputation, Alberto Guzman is consider a brilliant leader and an exemplary husband.
Unexpectedly, the assassination attempt of the prime minister will unearth some hidden secrets from his reliable people: Paula the PR Manager, Andres his Security Manager and Gutiérrez Casas, the ex-Prime Minister, will be in the trouble spot. Intrigues appear with this foiled attempt, which will also be a crucial turning point in the presidential marriage.
Technical data
- Seasons 1
- Episodes 13
- Duration 70'
- Language Spanish
- Aspect ratio 16:9
- Format HD
- Year 2019
Sold in 46 territories
Episode 1

J.L. García

Jesús Castro

Michelle Calvo

Myriam Gallego